Yes that's right, good ol' Uncle Clarence Thomas gets the award. I mean in the 17 years he has been in the public eye, he has done so much to undermine the gains that African-Americans have made in this country the past several decades.
However, the latest act by Uncle Clarence has proven to me that beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has accepted his role of a House Negro to the end of his days. When that Obama hating nut out of New Jersey tried to put his laughable motion of having him invalidaded as President because he isn't a natural born citizen(Last I heard, Hawaii was still a state) he took it to one Supreme Court Justice(I don't recall which one) who is white. Well, the white justice rejected it outright but guess who agreed to place it for consideration? That's right good ol' Clarence agreed to put the claim in for consideration. The white man rejected it but the "Black in skin color only" Thomas took it without hesitation.
What a disgrace! In fact he is a disgrace to any race!
I hope your proud of yourself Clarence, I guess you are so here is the Eternal House Negro award for you. As my boy the Field Negro would say, "That's House Negro Behavior." I could not agree more.
P.S. I just read to my delight that the Supreme Court turned down the motion to review Obama's eligibility. Boy that sure made you look like a stand up guy for considering the motion right Clarence?
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