Family Reunion by Laverne Ross

Friday, February 22, 2008


It's been a while since I have written a post about Dunbar Village. I do however always keep it posted in the features of this blog because it is my outrage and horror at this crime that has still not been handled properly (Six of the rapists are still at large after 8 months!) that led me ultimately to becoming a blogger.

This past monday there was a town hall meeting concerning Dunbar Village and the horrific conditions that the residents are forced to endure. Most notable was the promised presence of the Rev. Al Sharpton who briefly visited the complex I believe last month. Well, at the last minute Rev. Al pulled a Houdini and cancelled hid visit. I guess he had more important thing to do. I could rant and rave over this but I must be constructive.

Anyway there has been a trust fund set up for Citoya Greenwood who is a resident of Dunbar Village and has been trying to help bring about change there. Here is the full story that I gathered from sister shecodes via her website:

From Shecodes at Black Women Vote

The Citoya Greenwood Relocation Fund

Dear Readers,

We have started a fund to help Citoya Greenwood, a grassroots community activist, young mother, and student to move out of Dunbar Village. She lived four houses down from a horrific event, detailed here.Citoya has worked tirelessly to improve the current situation in this particularly troubled area in West Palm Beach, Florida. However, many of us agree that it is urgently critical for her to remove herself living in that situation!Black Women Vote! has started an emergency fund that will help her move herself and her daughter into a safer situation. Every dime of the fund will go to Citoya... if you would like to make a donation, you can do so by clicking on the 'donate' button on the right side of this page.
Other ways that you can help:

1.) If you have any clout with any educational institutions that have family housing, or scholarships/grants, email me asap at Our ultimate goal is to get her to transfer into a 4 year institution with family housing. She is very strong academically, and will also meet almost all financial need requirements.
2.) You can send her an encouraging email. She has really been hit hard by these latest events, and feels quite alone. (We haven't mentioned everything) She could really use some encouraging emails right about now. People can send emails to my account, just put "Citoya" in the subject line... and I will make sure that she gets them immediately.
3.) If you know anyone who has decision-making authority with non-section 8 housing assistance, please email me.
4.) Please feel free to contact others who do not read this blog to tell her story -- Symphony is working on her bio so that people will really understand what a jewel she is.

To those of you who have already given:
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I have never done anything like this before, but felt that talking about this situation is no longer enough -- I had to DO something. Thank you for feeling the same way! You are all Queens in the truest, most literal sense of the word.
God bless you all.

Let us all give from our spirits to help this young mother get away from that hell hole. I will be putting in a donation at my bank tomorrow along with my monthly donation to the Dunbar assistance fund. Please don't forget about that. I will be posting the address and information for both funds very soon.

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