Family Reunion by Laverne Ross

Monday, June 16, 2008


I spent a wonderful Father's Day celebration with my Father and younger sisters yesterday. My sisters fixed him breakfast, then I came over and we went to the movies. We saw "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and enjoyed it.(A great adventure flick, not too many dull moments and great characters. You won't be disappointed.) Then to cap it off, our Lakers staved off elimination and beat the Celtics. This keeps a long tradition alive where my father and I always watch the NBA Finals together and have good natured debates.

I love my father. This is a simple statement but very profound. He has made many sacrifices for me and he never once shirked his duties as a Father. Not when he and my mother divorced, not when she won custody of me and not when he dated and remarried. He instilled a strong sense of pride in being Black at an early age. He has shown and continues to show me what a man is and how to be independant as well. This has led to some problems and we had a serious falling out about three years ago, but even that has helped me become my own man. This is something that my father later realized. He can be stubborn, a tad bit narrow minded and outrageous, but he is my father. I would not trade him for anything in the world. I love you Dad.

I was browsing this morning to my favorite sites on the subject of Father's Day and Fatherhood:

Tasha 212 has an excellent and moving post about forgiving her Father on her site The Sowing Circle

Tami has a powerful post entitled "In Praise of Black Fathers" over at What Tami Said

Ms. Gina at What About Our Daughters has a post and provides links to other quality articles.

AverageBro has and admittedly rambling but insightful post at his site.

These are just a few that are helping to spread the word that there are good fathers and good men out there doing what they need to do without fanfare. Let us continue to keep promoting this.

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