This brother Barack Obama continues to amaze me. On Sunday he addressed a crowd of 75,000 in Oregon. This is weeks removed from the Rev. Wright episode, the slanderous ads made about him by the Tennessee GOP and the double insults hurled his way last week by "Insane in the membrane" McCain and George "My Grandfather helped finance the Nazi war machine" Bush. In the end he has come out stronger than ever.
I was indifferent when he announced his candidacy, pointed out what I perceived were his faults and lamented that he wasn't a die hard liberal. However, over the past several months my opinion has changed of the man. To me at the moment it doesn't matter that he isn't a staunch liberal, he has that special qualities that a true leader must possess: charisma, strength and a determination to effect change. He really has me in his corner and I am convinced that he is the best person to lead this country out of the muck and mire that Bush and the Neocons have put it in.
I don't have any illusions that racism and other ills will disappear once Obama is elected President. However, I believe we should get him there first. Then once he is in and settled, we should be vigilant and remind and push him to address issues that are important like violence against Black women and girls(Like the horror at Dunbar Village), violence in the inner cities, the woeful state of education and the economic crisis that this country is in.
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